Donate to us, at no cost to you, whenever you shop your favourite brands
- Turn your everyday shopping into donations to support survivors of slavery.
- With Easyfundraising, you can shop at over 8,000 of your favourite brands, and they’ll donate a percentage of your spend to us!
- You can shop online and use the Easyfundraising app to buy your car insurance, your weekly shop, holidays, fashion and more.
- It’s totally free. Just click on the Easyfundraising option and you’ll turn your spend into a donation, with no extra cost to you.

After escaping exploitation, survivors of modern slavery are often left isolated and homeless and at huge risk of re-trafficking or further abuse. Our hosts safely accommodate survivors in a welcoming family environment to give them the foundation they need to thrive again. Donating to Hope at Home will help us to house more survivors, support our hosts and ensure each survivor has the essentials they need.
Your donations contribute to:
- Essential toiletries and groceries
- A vital travel ticket to allow them to visit family, attend college or look for work
- Translation services to give survivors the opportunity to make informed decisions about their housing options
- A safe home, free from the risk of exploitation or re-trafficking, with our hosts
- And much more.