Dear Friends,
The pandemic has caused the divide between rich and poor to grow ever wider. And the numbers of those facing poverty increases every day.
We are all too aware of the overwhelming needs of not just those in the UK, but across the world.
That’s why we are so grateful to you for choosing to support our guests.
They can easily become hidden under the pandemic rubble of collapsing economies and structures. Children, young people, mental health, pregnant women, victims of domestic abuse, those facing job losses and redundancies are all casualties in the rubble.
But our guests are often at the bottom of the pile.
Sometimes nobody will even know they are there. They might not be able to speak English to shout ‘help’. They won’t know which services to turn to. There is often no safety net of the welfare system to prevent them from falling further. They can’t look for another job because they’re not allowed to work.
When you support Hope at Home, you are helping them to dig themselves out.
They are some of the most courageous and resilient people we have met. They inspire us every day to keep going through difficult times.
When we face uncertainties and worry about missing our families who we’ve haven’t seen for months through lockdown, we look to them to lead us as they already live this limbo day in and day out. When we protest at the authorities making rules about restricting our freedoms, we remember that our guests are pros at this. They’ve lived it. They’ve come out the other side. We can learn from them here.
Thank you for choosing our amazing guests.
Thank you for championing them.
Thank you for allowing us to add to our homes and our families.
Thank you for the difference you are making, not just to their lives but to ours too.
The number of people needing homes is growing. The pandemic hasn’t put a stop to homelessness. Please will you consider hosting with us? Will you consider welcoming someone new into your family at this time?
We have a zoom event (I know, I’m zoomed out too but it’s all we can do right now) coming up to help you decide whether hosting is for you.
Do sign up and join us.
Let’s decide to face the rubble in front of us and get out our spades.
You never know, you might meet your new hero.
With love and gratitude always,